Dear Current Members, We're upgrading our database platform and payment processor to a more efficient and user-friendly system. To ensure a smooth transition, please take the following steps: Please Note: We will keep your membership level and/or payment plan the same unless you update the form on the link below: Click here to view the UPDATED 2024-2025 membership levels and payment plans. - Credit Card Payers: For your protection, we cannot access your credit card information from our old system. Please re-enter your credit card information ONE TIME into our new system. We apologize for the inconvenience. - All who currently pay by ACH / Check / Donor Advised Fund: No action is needed. If you would like to change your payment method, please choose from the options below. Membership runs from September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. High Holiday seats are included with membership. Personal Information Full Name* First Name Last Name E-mail* Payment Options Paying By:* Credit Card / Debit CardACH DebitCheck / Donor Advised Fund (full payment only) If you are already paying your dues by ACH, there is no need to reenter your information. Cardholder First Name Cardholder Last Name Cardholder's E-mail Please charge my: VisaM/CAMEX Card Number* Exp. Date* CVV* Account Type CheckingSaving Bank Name Bank Routing Number Bank Account Number Account Holder's Name Please make your check out to Chabad of Plano, and mail it to Chabad of Plano 3904 West Park Blvd, Plano TX 75075. Funds will be charged on the 5th of the month, beginning September 5th, 2024, per the payment plan that you chose. Funds will be charged on the 5th of the month, beginning September 5th, 2024, per the payment plan that you chose. Request for Financial Assistance I'd like to request financial assistance Chabad of Plano wishes to accept all who want to be members and participate in its programs regardless of financial means. Our financial chair, Stan Rothstein, will contact you and a mutually agreed upon fee will be arranged. This will occur in a strictly confidential manner. No person or family will be turned away due to lack of financial means. Please fill out the following: Reason Enter the message as it's shown* I would like to receive news and updates by email Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.