Rabbi Simon Jacobson is author of the best-selling book “Toward a Meaningful Life,” the wisdom of The Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a William Morrow publication that has sold over 400,000 copies to date and has been translated into 10 languages.
Rabbi Jacobson heads The Meaningful Life Center, which bridges the secular and the spiritual through a wide variety of live and online programming.
Rabbi Jacobson is one of the greatest scholars and most sought-after speakers in the Jewish world today. He has lectured to diverse audiences on six continents and in forty states on applying Jewish thought to contemporary life. His voice is rooted in the timeless teachings of Torah, yet at the same time is profoundly timely, relevant, unique, and cutting edge. He has been interviewed on over 300 radio and TV shows. He is also the chairman and publisher of The Algemeiner Journal.